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Webinar Series


The True Love That Lasts Journey

How a single question a day can help you love and enjoy your spouse more for a lifetime—starting immediately

To purchase The True Love That Lasts Kit
at a special discounted price immediately CLICK HERE

Coach Jim Steffen
with Coach Jim Steffen

Click "Play" to listen to this special message about the webinar from Coach Jim:

Introducing a new webinar series to help you
grow your True Love That Lasts!

In this five-week webinar, Coach Jim Steffen will help you discover and review the challenges, solutions and benefits of True Love That Lasts.


Week One (Ch. 1-3)

The Huge Challenge

  •  Why is Pope Francis Concerned about the family – all over the world

  •  How you can help the Pope deal with his concerns

  •  Why does Bishop Caggiano suggest the True Love That Lasts Journey


Benefits You Can Expect Each Week

  •  A Tip QEP (Quick-to-learn, Easy-to-use, Proven-to-work)

  •  That can be applied IMMEDIATELY

  •  Used for a life time (whether married one month or 61 years)

  •  So you can grow the enjoyment and love of your spouse

  •  Even – Better especially daily


The Story (Ch. 1-3)

  •  How John and Maria meet

  •  John’s surprise proposal

  •  Maria’s disappointing “No.”

  •  The Search for the Secret of True Love That Lasts


Week Two (Ch.4-10)


  •  What is Love?

  •  What is True Love?

  •  What makes True Love Last?

  •  What is the EVENT that can guide you to live with the attitude of love?



  •  An excellent bad example – that “ I got ya game” – and slippery slide of divorce

  •  The positive solution – to win the “I got ya game” and lasting happiness


Week Three (Ch.11-13)


  •  If just one part of a couple asks the daily question, will the secret work?



  •  An easy method to “Live Life to the Fullest and have Fun doing it!”

  •  A practical solution to a double problem

      1. What to do to grow true love – especially daily

      2. How to remember to do it daily


Week Four (Ch.14)


  •  Many people don’t tell their partner what they really feel till they get angry

  •  How to tell your partner what you REALLY want and still build the relationship



  •  This chapter explains the Fact-Feeling-Request

  •  Fact-Feeling-Request will help you meet the challenge above


Week Five (Ch. 15-17)


  •  There was a time when each of us was not!

  •  Due to the love of God and our Parents, here we are

  •  What was/is their goal in having us

  •  Is there a common goal

  •  What does this have to do with The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts



  •  In this chapter, you’ll see how your parent’s love and God’s love have a common goal for you

  •  Here you’ll see how God wants to partner your marital success.


Additional Information

Each Friday Email

  •  Suggested readings and questions to consider


Frequently Asked Question

  •  Can I read the entire book immediately?

  •  Should I just read the parts suggested in the Friday emails?


Ordering Your True Love That Lasts Kit

  •  To purchase The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts along with the Habit Builder at a special discounted price, just for webinar attendees, CLICK HERE.

  •  Contact Jim and Carol with any questions you may have: JimAndCarol@truelovethatlasts.us

The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts


Habit Builder


Jim and Carol Steffen

Thank you again for registering. See you at the webinar!

Coach Jim

To download a printable version of this page CLICK HERE


The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts
and the True Love That Lasts Habit Builder is available in paperback through Arkett Publishing. The Kindle and audiobook are available on Amazon

ISBN 978-1-0878-6734-2


phone   203-740-8400

mail  JimAndCarol@truelovethatlasts.us

mail   PO Box 36, Gaylordsville, CT 06755