True Love That Lasts

The Secret of Growing
True Love That Lasts



The True Love That Lasts Webinar

Pope Francis’s Concern & Challenge
Bishop Caggiano’s Challenge

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True Love That Lasts

The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts

How a single question a day can help you love and enjoy your spouse more for a lifetime—starting immediately

by Jim and Carol Steffen

Foreword by Ken Blanchard
Book and Habit Builder available through Arkett Publishing, Kindle and audiobook available on Amazon.

NEW! The True Love That Lasts Webinar—starting soon!

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with this FREE 5-week webinar ($500 value)


True Love That Lasts Are you like most people, who want to love and be loved? And you want it to last? Challenge: What can you do today so that your love is a True Love that Lasts?

The hard-to-believe fact—but none-theless true—is a single question a day can help you take steps to grow infinite love that lasts, not only today but Forever and Ever and Then Some. In the story, John and Maria accept the challenge. Come join them and be surprised and delighted with them as you discover you can grow your True Love that Lasts by asking just a single question a day.

From The Foreword

In a simple powerful way, they will show you how to value and enjoy the relationship with your spouse more daily by asking just one simple question a day.

In the end, you will be excited about waking up in the morning, so you can serve your spouse rather than desiring to be served. Wow! That says a lot about this book.

—Ken Blanchard, Co-author of The One Minute Manager

forever and ever

Forever & Ever...and then some

What People Are Saying About
True Love That Lasts:


Unhappily Married

Two years ago my husband cheated on me. I was crushed and unforgiving. Regular counseling sessions were a time to complain about my husband. I read your book to prove you wrong! A single question a day can’t change what paid counselors couldn’t.

However, as I read the stories in the book, I could not only see myself—but even ourselves. I liked how the questions changed the involved couples. My husband agreed to read the book and start the questions. I have hope. I am smiling again. —AB

Happily Married

This single question a day is not just for young lovers. I’m happily married 25-plus years. I got benefits as soon as I asked the first question—and the benefits are just getting better and better. —JS


I can do better the second time—just a single question a day. —ES


Pope Francis Is Clear

Marriage cannot be improvised. A good marriage takes commitment and hard work. In their book, Jim and Carol Steffen outline a very simple recipe for a strong, healthy marriage. By asking one question a day, husbands and wives can work together to build a relationship that endures.

I invite couples of all ages and experience to take up Jim and Carol’s challenge of growing true love that lasts using the one question a day. —Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano

University Professor

I wish all my students read this book. Then I would not see so many come back divorced in a number of years. —MJS

Student Response

Although students usually don’t have a spouse, we are still surrounded with many meaningful relationships. This book gives a simple and easy (just a single daily question) guide that can grow and strengthen our relationships now and for the rest of our lives.

This is a very beneficial way of thinking, making us and the important people in our lives feel more appreciated, value inspired, cared for and happier. It’s a great way to live. —MM

Student's Thought

I might not be married for years. But this story gives me a single question a day to grow and enjoy more the relationship I’m in today. —CF


Just finished the book. LOVED IT!!! Could not put it down! Will share it with friends who are happily married and some that are not. —TL


Very Busy New Mother

With a husband that works out of state and four little children, I have many interruptions. However, once I started reading True Love That Lasts, it was hard to put down because it was so captivating I just wanted to get to the end! I am looking forward to improving my marriage with the simple daily question. —TL, mother & pre-school teacher

Expert Opinion

I finished the book and LOVED IT!!! Highly enjoyable read! I thought of friends I would like to buy the book for and look forward to implementing the question everyday. After reading it I started that day. So positive and beautiful!!! Thanks for writing it. I hope it will change the tide of 50% divorces. —Eileen Hahn, Effectiveness Consultant

Free Flyer on the Book
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Pope Francis
  • Learn Pope Francis’ concern that began the True Love That Lasts Journey
  • Read Bishop Caggiano’s invitation to you to take Jim and Carol’s challenge of growing True Love That Lasts using the one question a day.
  • Discover the 5 First–Time Ever Life–critical questions the co–authors answer.

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A Romantic Love Story


While you read this fast-moving romantic love story of John and Maria, you’ll learn the simple question a day you can use to enjoy, love and appreciate your spouse/friend more, starting immediately.

The story begins with John on his knee proposing to Maria. She disappoints him with, “John, get up! Not now! Let me explain!”

Fearful of so many friends getting a divorce, she wants his help to find a proven path so they can grow their True Love daily for the next 55 years. John thinks ‘a proven path to grow our love daily’ is asking the impossible! But encouraged by the thought of spending the next 55 years with Maria, whom he considers a celebration of brains and beauty, he agrees to find the happily married couple who seems to know and have lived The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts.

Come join Maria and John on their romantic journey and be surprised with them as you discover you can grow your True Love That Lasts by asking just a single question a day.

About the Co-authors Jim & Carol Steffen

Carol and Jim SteffenR. James (Jim) Steffen spent the early part of his life earning four degrees: Philosophy, Theology, Mathematics and Educational Psychology. This helped him found SSA International (Steffen, Steffen & Associates, Inc.). As President of SSA International, Dr. Jim became an internationally known speaker, consultant, and trainer. This gave him opportunity to work with leaders in 160 Fortune 500 Companies over the last 40+ years.

His company and management programs helped many clients get the most from their time and career. He summarized these discoveries and insights in his international best seller: Aligned Thinking: Make Every Moment Count. It was translated into seven languages. But something was still missing: how to get the most from life and love itself.

It was only when he met and married his co-author, Carol Steffen that he learned from her how “life can be better than a dream come true.” She also helped him realize that True Love That Lasts can be Forever and Ever and Then Some, indicating that it can last even into the next life.

As married partners for thirty-three plus years, they have teamed up to share with you how the simplicity of a single question a day can help you discover and implement...The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts.

The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts
and the True Love That Lasts Habit Builder is available in paperback through Arkett Publishing. The Kindle and audiobook are available on Amazon

ISBN 978-1-0878-6734-2


phone   203-740-8400

mail  JimAndCarol@truelovethatlasts.us

mail   PO Box 36, Gaylordsville, CT 06755

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